• Calendar
    1. 08 June 2023 at 09:00
      3rd day of the "Technologies & Digital Sovereignty" Observatory

      Technologies & Digital Sovereignty" Observatory founded by Télécom Paris and NetexploDon't miss the meeting of the Observatoire des Technologies et de la Souveraineté numérique on Thursday June 8! The cyber threat is becoming ever more pressing. To meet these...

    2. 06 December 2022 at 19:00
      Afterwork TELECOM cybersecurity review

      cyber securityAs part of the T'PA Cyber campaign, Télécom Paris alumni are organizing an afterwork on the theme of cybersecurity. Come and meet the authors of TELECOM Cybersécurité magazine, who...

    3. 29 November 2022 at 18:30
      Cybersecurity facing the challenges of the post-Covid era

      Meet the authors of Revue TELECOM #206A webinar with the authors of TELECOM cybersecurity magazine to exchange in this round table around the topics: Cybersecurity facing post-Covid challenges, Talent shortage,...

    4. 27 June 2022 at 18:30
      [G9+] Cyber-Resilience: Are we ready?
      Organised by Cybersecurity

      An event organized by Institut G9+; co-organized by Sopra Steria (Sponsor), PAC/Teknowlogy Group (Sponsor)For several years now, the resilience of companies' and institutions' activities has depended on the resilience of their information systems and data, leading to the notion of...

    5. 13 April 2022 at 17:30
      Webinar : From Cyber Security to Cyber Resilience
      Organised by Cybersecurity

      How does cyber security fit in with a company's operational resilience? Can/should they be separated? What lessons can we draw from the COVID crisis, its consequences and current...

    6. 20 January 2022 at 18:30
      "Cybersecurity, a growing threat, a survival issue".
      Organised by Cybersecurity

      As part of the association's strong relationship with ESSEC Alumni, we're relaying the ESSEC Digital club's roundtable discussion on "Cybersecurity, growing peril, survival issues"...

    7. 13 December 2021 at 18:00
      [G9+] The 20s: the digital golden age?

      The G9+ Institute is gearing up for a new series of conferences on the future of the Digital Age, that of the '20s, which will be analyzed from 4 angles: Business models and...

    8. 27 October 2020 at 14:30
      [CEFCYS] First Trophée de la femme cyber - application deadline 10/25

      Would you like to get involved in promoting gender diversity in cybersecurity?Are you or do you know a woman manager or entrepreneur in cybersecurity, a woman consultant or expert...

    9. 11 May 2020 at 18:00
      [Cybersecurity Monday] Systemic risks and freedoms: what role can cybersecurity...

      As part of the "Cybersecurity Mondays", organized by the Cercle d'Intelligence économique with the University of Paris, Come and attend this event, on Monday, May 11, 2020, by...

    10. 30 April 2020 at 17:00
      The digital footprint: opportunity or vulnerability?

      Your digital footprints are the traces you leave behind on the internet . Social media comments, Skype calls, apps and emails: they're part of your online history.Every day,...

    11. 05 April 2020 at 17:00
      Webinar*La Pause Télécom - Cybersecurity & teleworking: the right reflexes and...

      The Coronavirus epidemic and the containment decision announced by the French President on March 16 have prompted companies and individuals to adapt and face up to a new and...

    12. 25 February 2020 at 18:30
      [G9+ Conference] RINA - A new architecture for a new Internet

      RINA : A new architecture for a new InternetConference organized by Mines Digital with Télécom Paris alumni in partnership with Institut G9+, Les Lundis de la cybersécurité,...

    13. 17 February 2020 at 18:30
      "Cybersecurity Monday? - Cybersecurity: what resources are needed to ensure the...

      Cybersecurity: what resources are needed to ensure the European Union's digital sovereignty? Between the USA's guarded freedom and China's secure surveillance, France and Europe in...

    14. 21 January 2020 at 19:00
      [Télécom ParisTalks] Quantum computers and post-quantum cryptography: when will...

      19th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks cycle co-organized by Télécom Paris alumni and Télécom EvolutionQuantum computing - or quantum computing as it is also known - is at the...

    15. 26 November 2019 at 08:30
      13th Rrencontres de l'ARCSI : "Can trust in our digital world be reborn?

      The ARCSI - Association des Réservistes du Chiffre et de la Sécurité de l'Information - brings together some 350 crypto and information security experts in various fields...

    16. 14 October 2019 at 19:00
      [Télécom ParisTalks] 5G: towards smarter networks

      18th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks cycle co-organized by Télécom Paris alumni and Télécom Evolution Virtualization and cloud computing techniques, network slicing,...

    17. 09 October 2019 at 19:00
      Fundraising Dinner 2019: an exceptional meeting with Jean-Louis Étienne

      Laura Peytavin, Association President, and Yves Poilane, School Directorwill be delighted to welcome you at the annual fundraising dinner in support of our SchoolAn exceptional...

    18. 25 June 2019 at 18:00
      Annual General Meeting 2019

      GENERAL MEETINGWe look forward to seeing you on Tuesday June 25 at 5:30 pm at the school. It's an opportunity for you to discover or rediscover your association, its activities and...

    19. 25 June 2019 at 09:00
      Cyber-harm conference: Beyond conventional wisdom

      Conference co-organized by IRT SystemX, Fédération Française de l'Assurance and Chaire Cyber Insurance on the real impact of cyber-attacks on businesses How exposed are companies...

    20. 15 April 2019 at 18:30
      Cybersecurity Monday: Quantum computers and the future of security

      Renaud Lifchitz takes the floorInvited by CyberEdu, as part of its Cybersecurity Mondays at school program, Renaud Lifchitz will give a no-technical-obligation introduction to the...

    21. 10 April 2019 at 18:00
      [G9+ Conference] : Artificial Intelligence at the service of society

      The G9+ Institute, in partnership with Microsoft and Sopra Stéria, is organizing a conference on the theme of Artificial Intelligence serving Society, on Wednesday, April 10, 2019...

    22. 09 April 2019 at 19:00
      IOT and Block Chain Evening

      A global buzzword at the end of 2017, with Bitcoin reaching stratospheric and now unimaginable levels of $19,650, what's left of blockchain two years later, where colossal fortunes...

    23. 05 March 2019 at 19:00
      Cyber risks: the first risks for companies? 3 experts tell you

      Until 2015, France was generally spared from cyber-risks compared to the USA, China and Germany. Now the trend is reversing: major countries have stepped up their IT security, and...

    24. 08 January 2019 at 18:30
      Cybersecurity Group Afterwork - Program for 2019

      To mark the start of 2019, Jean-Christophe Gaillard and I would be delighted to invite you to join us over a glass of beer or cider to discuss the program and theme for the coming...

    25. 13 December 2018 at 19:00
      [Télécom ParisTalks] The impact of AI on cybersecurity professions

      14th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks cycle co-organized by Télécom ParisTech alumni and Télécom EvolutionAs we look at the cradle of the cybersecurity professions, isn't it...

    26. 04 October 2018 at 18:30
      Is Artificial Intelligence working for the security of our digital society?

      G9+ Conference / Telecom Paristech alumniBy putting the medium-term potential of AI into perspective (between the weak AI of today and the strong AI of the day after tomorrow), the...

    27. 02 October 2018 at 19:00
      Afterwork revue TELECOM

      Come and share a moment of conviviality on the occasion of the publication of Revue TELECOM n°190, whose themes are "Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity" and "Towards new...

    28. 24 September 2018 at 18:30
      Cybersecurity and major infrastructures, electricity, water, gas and oil

      The Energy Professional Group presents the conference organized by the Arts & Métiers Energy Professional Group:Cybersecurity and major infrastructures, electricity, water, gas and...

    29. 24 September 2018 at 18:30
      IE Monday: "RGPD: A company in turmoil".

      At the theater tonight Invited by René Joly Honorary Professor, business manager of the ParisTech Entrepreneurs Incubator, the play RGPD: Une entreprise dans la tourmente will be...

    30. 26 June 2018 at 17:30
      2018 Annual General Meeting

      General Meeting of our associationJUNE 26, 2018 at 18:00 at the Ecole This event is one of the key moments in the life of our alumni network. During this evening you can actively...

    31. 18 June 2018 at 18:30
      [G9+ Conference] : Digital: new risks and new tools to prevent violence against...

      6:30 p.m.-6:50 p.m. Welcome and registration18h50-19h00-Welcome addressNadia Robinet, Vice-PresidentG9+ InstituteModerated by Catherine Reichert, communications expert19h10-19h55 -...

    32. 05 June 2018 at 18:30
      T&MA Cybersecurity Thematic Event - Orange Cyberdéfense

      The Cybersecurity group of Télécom Paristech alumni invites you to a conference organized by Télécom sudParis and Ecole de Management alumni.With the development of the Internet,...

    33. 28 May 2018 at 18:00
      [G9+ Conference] : Digital Service Companies (DSC): What place in the digital...

      In 2018, French ESNs occupy a prominent place in the global ecosystem of this industry: 2 are present in the world's top 10. In an "all-digital" world, new forces have emerged and...

    34. 23 May 2018 at 18:00
      Cybersecurity group afterwork at J-2 du RGPD

      It's with great pleasure that my employer Proofpoint, whose Paris offices are at WeWork Lafayette, agrees to host the Cybersecurity group for its Spring Afterwork, on May 23 at J-2...

    35. 04 April 2018 at 08:15
      [Conf. breakfast] RGDP: May 26, 2018, THE Day After!

      How to maintain a level of maturity over time!Maintaining the effectiveness of best practices over timeThe DPO compliance calendarLimit the risks of shadow ITThe incident response...

    36. 12 December 2017 at 19:00
      Attention RGPD, the home stretch ....

      10th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks co-organized by Télécom ParisTech alumni and Télécom Evolution On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD; GDPR in...

    37. 27 November 2017 at 18:30
      [G9+ Conference] The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Achievements and...

      This conference is organized in partnership with SopraSteria and with the support of SalesForce.com and CXP Group, sponsors of the G9+ Institute. Artificial intelligence is now...

    38. 10 November 2017 at 09:00
      ITM Symposium: "Are we entering a new era of cybersecurity?

      Cyber attacks are on the increase, and it's getting harder and harder to block them. Should we consider that the gap between attackers and defenders is widening? Should we also...

    39. 09 November 2017 at 19:00
      Blockchains in real life: from development to next achievements

      9th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks co-organized by Télécom ParisTech alumni and Télécom Evolution Blockchain technology is gradually emancipating itself from the flagship...

    40. 10 October 2017 at 09:00
      CAP on innovation: Internet of Things, finally the age of reason?

      For this11th edition of the CAP sur l'Innovation event, CAP'TRONIC and the DGE are offering a day of exchanges and testimonials from business leaders to give you a broad vision of...

    41. 04 July 2017 at 19:00
      Data protection : Compliance and governance in the face of exploding cybercrime

      G9+ Conference in partnership with Verizon Data protection - Compliance and governance in the face of exploding cybercrime?- Phishing, ransonware, social engineering, digital...

    42. 27 June 2017 at 18:30
      How can we "unblock" the cyber insurance market in France?

      Cybersecurity group conference on the theme:How to "unblock" the cyber insurance market in France?The Telecom ParisTech alumni Cybersecurity group has been conducting an analysis...

    43. 20 April 2017 at 09:00
      CONFIDENCE meeting on "Cyber Geopolitics Digital Uses" topics

      INSTITUT ESPRIT SERVICE invites you to a new meeting entitled "CONFIANCE Cyber Géopolitique Numérique Usages". More than 15 speakers on the following themes: - Let's create trust,...

    44. 09 November 2016 at 19:00
      Cybersecurity professions in the age of digital transformation

      4th conference in the Télécom ParisTalks cycle co-organized by Télécom ParisTech alumni and Télécom Evolution This conference will address the following topics: How are evolving...

    45. 13 June 2016 at 19:00
      Kocoya Event : Why do video games have such an immersive power over our children...

      Invitation to the first Kocoya Thinklab round table on GAMING Why do video games have such an immersive power over our children? How can we integrate the positive potential of...

    46. 06 June 2016 at 18:30
      G9+ event on June 6, 2016 : Cyber Security 2016: feedback and future solutions

      Please note: registration on the G9+ website: http://www.g9plus.org/manifestation/610 THEMATICS Faced with increasingly significant and heterogeneous threats, companies are...

    47. 24 May 2016 at 19:00
      Inauguration of the Cybersecurity Group with Guillaume Poupard, ANSSI Director

      Inauguration of the Cybersecurity Group with the expected introduction of Guillaume Poupard, Director of ANSSI, " Télécom ParisTech alumni committed to cybersecurity". Program:...

    48. 11 March 2015 at 09:00
      Congrès BIG DATA PARIS - partnership<br />BIG DATA PARIS Congress March 10 and 11,...</br>

      The Big Data Paris conference opens its doors on March 10 and 11, 2015, and expectations are already high for this 4th edition. On the program: - conferences by top-level French...

    49. 10 March 2015 at 09:00
      Congrès BIG DATA PARIS - partnership<br />BIG DATA PARIS Congress March 10 and 11,...</br>

      The Big Data Paris conference opens its doors on March 10 and 11, 2015, and expectations are already high for this 4th edition. On the program: - conferences by top-level French...

    50. 12 January 2015 at 17:30
      Big Data Alliance international conference series<br />BIG DATA ECONOMICS,TOWARDS DATA...</br>

      As part of the Big Data Alliance's international lecture series, Télécom ParisTech welcomes Renaud Di Francesco, PhD, Director of Sony Europe's Technology Standards Office and a...