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IE Monday: "RGPD: A company in turmoil".

At the theater tonight

Invited by René Joly Honorary Professor, business manager of the ParisTech Entrepreneurs Incubator, the play RGPD: Une entreprise dans la tourmente will be performed in Télécom ParisTech's grand Thévenin amphitheater at 6:30 pm on September 24 as part of the "September IE Monday" program.

The show is free and open to all. To register, visit

On the bill:

  • Maître Céline Barbosa, in the role of legal counsel, expert in personal data protection ;
  • Béatrice Laurent, in the role of the marketing director of JeRiposte, who has just been promoted and would like to take on the role of DPO;
  • Pierre-François Laget in the role of JeRiposte's boss, who is particularly stubborn and thinks that the RGPD is for others, and who will soon be disillusioned;
  • Gérard Peliks in the role of Jattaque's boss, a more or less RGPD-compliant company who, together with the lawyer, wants to help JeRiposte comply before it's too late.

Based on a script written by Maître Céline Barbosa, you'll hear about the intricacies of the RGPD and the internal battle being waged by a company's employees to fill the position of DPO. The CNIL will not only appear to you as a whipping mother, but also as a devoted companion when you call on its services early enough. And the RGPD will no longer seem like an impediment to doing business but also, and above all, a step forward in protecting the personal data of European citizens. A protection that other countries, outside the European Union, envy us and are even beginning to imitate.

After the curtain falls, maître Céline Barbosa, now very serious again, will address specific points of the RGPD raised in the play and answer questions.

More info: https: //\d-ne-concernait-les-autres-gérard-peliks/

The show is free and highly educational. To register, visit

Monday 24 September 2018
18:30 - 20:30
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi Thévenin
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS

Télécom ParisTech - Amphi Thévenin

46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Monday 24 September 2018
18:30 - 20:30
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi Thévenin
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
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