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CONFIDENCE meeting on "Cyber Geopolitics Digital Uses" topics

INSTITUT ESPRIT SERVICE invites you to a new meeting entitled "CONFIANCE Cyber Géopolitique Numérique Usages".

More than 15 speakers on the following themes: -
Let's create trust, that precious feeling in a world of digital warfare - Cyber-security and digital trust: cross-views, issues, prevention and operational responses - Between mistrust and trust, is it serious Doctor? The metamorphosis of technologies, uses and data in the service of digital trust Trust? It's becoming more fragile as geopolitical instability, reinforced by the advent of all-digital technology - a formidable upheaval despite its shadowy aspects - has a major impact on business life, making the management of threats and opportunities a central issue for executive committees. We're talking about cyber-terrorism, hacking, fake news, insecurity of personal and corporate data. We are also witnessing a lack of trust in civil life on the part of the economic world and the citizen, who is both an actor and a consumer, and is vis-a-vis everything to do with institutions, public players, brands, etc. All this is disrupting the smooth running of markets and society, as well as public and corporate organizations. In this climate, how can we recreate the conditions for everyone's digital trust in the short term? How can we reconcile a legitimate and vital policy of protection against risks with the necessary openness to innovative ecosystems? How can we rethink processes, uses and customer or consumer experiences to boost trust?
Follow the event on #IESNUM2017

Register by e-mail using the attached form to until April 18.

  • 8:45am: Welcome 9:00am: Morning issues: why trust?
Vannina Kellershohn, Co-Chair of the Digital Action Commission, Strategy Director, ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES
  • 9:10 a.m.: Let's create trust, that precious feeling in a world of digital warfare
Emmanuel Husson, vice-president PARIS SCIENCES LETTRES
Alain Juillet, president of the Académie d'intelligence économique General (2S)
Jean-Paul Palomeros, former Supreme Allied Commander for NATO Transformation

Moderated by Gérard Gibot, Contrôleur général des armées en mission extraordinaire, MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE
  • 10:10 a.m.: Cyber-security and digital confidence: crossroads, issues, prevention and operational responses
Nicolas Arpagian, Strategy Director ORANGE CYBERDEFENSE Vice-Admiral Coustillière, General Cyberdefense Officer MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE
Thierry Delville, Delegate for Security Industries MINISTERE DE L'INTERIEUR
Dominique Jeune, Underwriting Manager Technical Risks MMA
Jean-Marie Letort, VP Strategy Cyber-security Business THALES

Moderated by Gilles Jacob, corporate alliance director SOPRA STERIA
  • 11:10 a.m.: Coffee break
  • 11:30 a.m.: Between mistrust and trust, is it serious Doctor? The metamorphosis of technologies, uses and data in the service of digital trust
Philippe Denis, chief digital officer BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES
Olivier Laborde, head of marketing innovation & digital NATIXIS ASSURANCES
Michel Puech, philosopher Maître de conférences Université PARIS SORBONNE
Marc Sabatier, president JULHIET STERWEN
Xavier Simonin, consulting partner SOPRA STERIA

Moderated by Marc Alaurent, Director BNPPARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE
  • 12:30 pm: End of meeting

Website: http: //

Thursday 20 April 2017
09:00 - 12:30
55, Avenue Bosquet


55, Avenue Bosquet
Thursday 20 April 2017
09:00 - 12:30
55, Avenue Bosquet
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