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Is Artificial Intelligence working for the security of our digital society?

G9+ Conference / Telecom Paristech alumni

By putting the medium-term potential of AI into perspective (between the weak AI of today and the strong AI of the day after tomorrow), the conference will seek to decline the main issues concerning the guarantees expected and the contribution of this new digital grail to the security of citizens and individuals, in the following areas:

  • protection of personal integrity and privacy
  • protecting people's health
  • protection of users in new mobility situations
  • protection of public and sovereign services (OIV, water networks, electricity, smart cities and transport).
We're looking forward to a rich debate between researchers, engineers and experts in these fields, with the aim of breaking away from the usual blinkered simplicity and continuing to provide a taste for enlightened innovation in Artificial Intelligence.

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception at WeWork La Fayette.

Schedule :

  • Introduction by the organizers
  • Keynote Speech: 20 min

The keynote speech will give a perspective on future developments in AI from a leading figure in the field. The aim is to move us away from caricatured descriptions of the algorithmic powers of ML, deep learning and natural language programming/command.

  • Round table: 90 min

Before the round table begins, the 6 to 7 speakers will each give a 10-minute presentation on their contribution to the theme. The round table will then take up the different areas for a rich, no-holds-barred debate, assisted by a moderator.

  • G9+ Chairman concludes


Keynote speaker : Eric Moulines - Member of the FrenchAcademy of Sciences - Professor at Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech

Round table participants :

  • Nozha Boujemaa Research Director atINRIA and Director of theDATAIA Institute Member of the European Commission's High Level Expert Group on AI (AI-HLG)
  • Aroua Biri founder of the start-up Hello Victor
  • Charles Thibout researcher atIRIS
  • Odile Peixoto - Director of BVA Santé
  • Jean-marie Lapeyre IT transformation director and CISO Opel / Groupe PSA
  • Armen Khatchatourov researcher at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, member of the Values and Politics of Personal Information Chair.

Moderator: Laurent Charreyron Research Director

Registration with online payment is imperative to gain access to the conference room. Places are limited.

Thursday 4 October 2018
18:30 - 21:30
WeWork La Fayette
33 rue La Fayette
75009 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

WeWork La Fayette

33 rue La Fayette
75009 PARIS
Thursday 4 October 2018
18:30 - 21:30
WeWork La Fayette
33 rue La Fayette
75009 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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