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Cyber risks: the first risks for companies? 3 experts tell you

Until 2015, France was generally spared from cyber-risks compared to the USA, China and Germany. Now the trend is reversing: major countries have stepped up their IT security, and France is becoming an easy target for hackers.

Organizations are paralyzed between awareness of the risk and uncertainty about how to respond to it. Three key players in the sector discuss the issues and give you their recommendations.

7:00 pm - 7:25 pm: "Cybersecurity - Threat and target landscape
by Laura Peytavin (CISSP- Proofpoint & Co-President of Cybersecurity Telecom ParisTech alumni group)

19h25-19h50: "Democratizing cybersecurity with the help of rating"
by Christophe Ternat (Co-founder & CEO Cyrating)

7:50pm-8:15pm: "Cyber risk insurance: market trends and available solutions".
by Mélodie Alvaro (Head of Insurance Practice at Cristal Décisions, Groupe Ayming)

8:15pm-9:30pm: Aperitif!

Tuesday 5 March 2019
19:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310

46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Tuesday 5 March 2019
19:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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