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"Cybersecurity Monday? - Cybersecurity: what resources are needed to ensure the European Union's digital sovereignty?

Cybersecurity: what resources are needed to ensure the European Union's digital sovereignty?

Between the USA's guarded freedom and China's secure surveillance, France and Europe in general will have to maintain a secure freedom. Otherwise, they will become a colony of these two continents. The USA, to whom we entrust our data in their Clouds, can exploit it; the Cloud Act gives them the legal power to do so. Worse still, they can shut off the taps routing information to Europe. If the Chinese win the battle for 5G, then 6G - and Huawei is working on this - they could shut off our communications taps. Can Europe, and therefore France, accept these potential threats?

It's all about our national and European digital sovereignty, on which our democracies and freedoms depend.

Europe is a great continent and a great market in which France, through its history, its talents, its researchers and its industry, has an eminent role to play in pushing Europe towards enlightened sovereignty. Europe has devised advances in cybersecurity, such as the RGPD, which protects the personal data of its citizens. Other countries on other continents will follow suit.

Digital technology has become a global battleground. This transformation of the world poses not only security challenges, but also legal, fiscal, economic and cultural ones. Edward Snowden, the Cambridge Analytica scandal and many other events have given rise to a real awareness on the part of public opinion and public players of the issues linked to cybersecurity in our liberal democracies. It is essential to promote a genuine culture of digital security in France that is addressed by as many people as possible.

Senator Catherine Morin Desailly will host February's "Cybersecurity Monday" on the theme of digital sovereignty for our country and our continent. Her voice is heard in the debates of the Senate, and it will be edifying in our Cybersecurity Monday.

Speaker: Senator Catherine MORIN-DESAILLY

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Catherine Morin-Desailly, Senator for Seine-Maritime, is President of the French Senate's Committee on Culture, Education and Communication. She is also Vice-Chairwoman of the Senate Study Group on Digital Technologies. Catherine Morin-Desailly has led the Senate to adopt several European motions for resolutions on Internet governance, and was also draftswoman for the proposed law to combat hatred on the Internet (2019).

Free participation - Event open to all - Registration required by e-mail to: with " Inscription 17/02 " in the subject line, and in the e-mail what you'd like us to know about you.

Our event will be held at the Université de Paris, 45 Rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris, Métro Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in theamphi Fourier on the 5th floor (with elevators). Please note that it won't be in the amphi Binet like our past "Cybersecurity Mondays".

Monday 17 February 2020
18:30 - 20:30
Université de Paris - Amphi Fourier
45, Rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS

Université de Paris - Amphi Fourier

45, Rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS
Monday 17 February 2020
18:30 - 20:30
Université de Paris - Amphi Fourier
45, Rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS
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