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10 October 2023

The opportunities offered by quantum computing

As the years go by, the enthusiasm for quantum technology continues unabated.Leading tech companies continue to invest billions in this field, with IBM, Google, Microsoft and Atos in France all building their own quantum computers. Countries are also following this trend: the United States adopted the National Quantum Initiative Act in 2018, China has launched the construction of a quantum computing laboratory, Europe has earmarked seven billion Euros for investment in the field by 2021, and Russia has invested 50 billion rubles in the quantum sector in 2019.
The main reason for this enthusiasm is the unprecedented prospects offered by quantum technologies.

But what exactly is quantum computing?

How the quantum computer works A traditional computer works by using bits of information that are stored in the form of 0's or 1's. In practice, all the actions performed by our computers "boil down" to manipulating long strings of 0's and 1's that are used to represent numbers, characters, images, sounds, videos... The quantum computer, on the other hand, relies on two singularities offered by the world of the infinitely small: The superposition phenomenon: particles, photons... can be in...
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Compétences et expertises:

- Transformation Digitale

- Lean start-up

- Digitalisation de la relation client

- Digital innovation et développement de nouveaux services

- Développement de partenariats avec incubateurs et universités

- data analyses et reporting

- Management d'équipes

- Business development

- Nouvelles technologies: Chatbot, Blockchain, IoT... See the author's other publication

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