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10 October 2023

Quantum computing: the challenge of training

Whilethe number of qubits, or quantum bits, manipulated by quantum computers has risen in 10 years from a few dozen to a few hundred, major issues such as qubit stability and decoherence effects still limit applications. However, the potential exponential acceleration of calculations, considered revolutionary or devastating (for cryptography, for example), makes it critical for engineers, professionals and companies to increase their skills in this field. Often grouped together under the epithet "Quantum", the related sciences and technologies are both an industrial challenge and a matter of national and European sovereignty. For more than a decade, Télécom Paris has been developing a range of training programs, including the Grande École (engineering) program, master's programs and short continuing education courses (awareness-raising or expertise) and certification programs for professionals.

Quantum": a dual object An alliance of physics and information theory, the "quantum" theme brings together : quantum physics, which describes systems on a microscopic scale and enables us to produce not only the electronic and optoelectronic components that underpin digital technology ("the 1st quantum revolution"), but also emerging devices that exploit the phenomena of entanglement and superposition of states, notably to materialize quantum bits or qubits ("the 2nd quantum revolution");...
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Ons Jelassi
Bertrand David

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