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10 October 2023

The power of superconductors to perfect qubits

Published by Sabrina BOUCHARD and Michel PIORO-LADRIÈRE | N° 210 - Quantum, microelectronics, conquering the nanometer and beyond

Active correction of errors intrinsic to qubitsisto the universal quantum computer what Arthur's hand is to the rock sword. Without it, the revolutionary applications promised by quantum computing will never see the light of day.

Exploiting the quantum properties of matter for computational purposes is no simple matter. The fragility of the quantum information contained within qubits is a paradoxical quality: at once salutary, as it enables qubits to be controlled and coupled together, but highly risky, as it is the source of fatal errors that jeopardize the success of the calculations performed. Indeed, active correction of quantum errors is the key element to master if we are to imagine the advent of the universal...
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