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28 June 2024

What uses for artificial intelligence in oncology? From research to the patient

Published by Judith Abécassis | N° 213 - AI & Healthcare & Digital & Defense

The incidence rate of all types of cancer in France rose sharply, doubling between 1990 and20231. This rise can be explained by an ageing population, but also by an increase in the risk of cancer. This multifaceted pathology is now the leading cause of premature death in France. Artificial intelligence (AI), coupled with the rapid growth in available data, appears to be essential for improving cancer care, in a context that is all the more critical in that the supply of care is decreasing, while patients, who are increasingly older, often have one or more chronic illnesses at the time of diagnosis.

AI and diagnostic assistance Following on from the first major successes of AI and deep learning, several medical image analysis algorithms are already available, with performances comparable to those of medical experts, for use by patients or healthcare professionals. Examples include the Derm Assist tool published by Google2 for characterizing skin diseases, including melanoma, and making personalized recommendations for medical follow-up, or MammoScreen developed by French start-up...
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Judith Abécassis

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