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28 June 2024
PROMISES AND CHALLENGES of artificial intelligence for medical image interpretation
Published by
Pierre-Henri Conze
N° 213 -
AI & Healthcare & Digital & Defense
Computer-assisted medical image analysis is now dominated by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. This represents a real revolution in the development of new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools! However, enthusiasm for this new technology hides a more nuanced facet, linked to the many challenges of wider deployment of AI in clinical routine.
The AI revolution in medical imaging In recent years, the growing volume of images to be interpreted by the medical profession has encouraged the development of computer-assisted medical image analysis tools to obtain precise, reproducible measurements using computer resources. As manual image analysis is costly in terms of time and energy, and subject to a high degree of subjectivity, obtaining quantitative measurements aims to contribute to a better analysis of the human body, for the benefit...
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Pierre-Henri Conze