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28 June 2024
Issues and prospects for generative AI in healthcare: the viewpoint of ChatGPT 4
Published by
ChatGPT 4
N° 213 -
AI & Healthcare & Digital & Defense
This is a "raw" response formulated by ChatGPT 4 directly, without any filtering or hindsight.
The text should therefore be considered as such, taking into account this particular context.
PROMPTLY FORMULATED TOWARDS CHATGP Could you write an introductory article of around 4500 characters on the issues and prospects of generative Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, as well as the challenges posed, the difficulties encountered and the risks incurred? The purpose of the article is to share your expertise on the subject, and provide a relevant and fresh perspective, backed up by your experience and competence in the field. REPLY FROM CHATGPT In the world of healthcare, the advent...
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ChatGPT 4