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02 April 2024


Digital technology is permeating every aspect of our lives, and agriculture is no exception. After a first issue (n°196) exploring how digital technology can help agriculture and mechanization techniques, this new dossier looks at how digital technology can contribute to more respectful and natural agriculture and agroforestry.

The challenge is crucial: to feed a growing world population while preserving natural resources and combating climate change. Digital technologies, combined with cutting-edge agronomic research, offer a panoply of tools to meet this challenge.

Intelligence and precision for sustainable agriculture

Smart farming and precision agriculture help optimize input use, reduce environmental impacts and improve productivity. Technologies such as GIS, IoT, agricultural sensors and drones make it possible to collect real-time data on crop condition, weather conditions and other key parameters. This data is then analyzed to provide the most accurate control of interventions and adjust cultivation practices.

Robotics and innovation for farmers

Agricultural robotics is developing rapidly, offering solutions for repetitive and tedious tasks such as harvesting, weeding or planting. Autonomous robots and drones are now able to carry out these tasks with greater precision, reducing the drudgery of work and the use of plant protection products and fertilizers.

Laboratories, start-ups and innovative projects

Numerous players, researchers, start-ups and innovative projects are exploring new frontiers in the field of digital agriculture. Their work uses promising technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and edge computing to develop ever more efficient and sustainable solutions.

Social issues and challenges

The development of digital agriculture is not just about technical aspects. It also raises important societal issues, including sustainability, food safety, agricultural and forestry e-commerce, and regulations.

Training and education to support the transition

A successful transition to digital agriculture requires training and education for farmers and foresters. It is essential to give them the keys to understanding and using these new technologies, and to support them in adapting their practices.

The alliance between agriculture and digital technology holds immense potential for building a more sustainable agriculture, more respectful of the living world and better able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. By mobilizing research, innovation, progress and the farming world, we can make this alliance a real lever for transforming healthy, sustainable food for all.

Explore the articles in this dossier to discover concrete examples and promising initiatives that illustrate the various aspects of this ongoing digital revolution.


Licencié ès Sciences Economiques (73), Diplômé IAE Paris (86)

Consultant dans le domaine de l'énergie et du numérique See 11 See the author's other publications
CES Option Informatique,
Docteur Télécom ParisTech (1983)

* Consultant indépendant, Conseil en innovation dans les TIC

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