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03 April 2024

Digital infrastructure and energy: why rethink the traditional data center model?

On December 13, 2024 at 12:30 pm, over 30 participants logged on to listen to Paul Benoit, President of Qarnot Computing. Founded in 2010 and hosted by the Télécom Paris incubator, Qarnot Computing co-created by Paul is based on the recovery of waste heat dissipated by computer and server processors.

Instead of concentrating servers in data centers, which need to be cooled to ensure optimal operation, Paul had the idea of doing away with cooling by using the heat dissipated by these processors, by decentralizing them, to heat premises (with radiators) and now water (with digital boilers). For the first product developed by Qarnot, the QRad radiator, the key challenge was to regulate computing power according to heat requirements, especially in summer. Qarnot therefore developed the Qware...
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Licencié ès Sciences Economiques (73), Diplômé IAE Paris (86)

Consultant dans le domaine de l'énergie et du numérique See 11 See the author's other publications

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