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Business Project Centrifuge session

Is your business project really robust?
What improvements can you make to get it to market?

Take advantage of the Séance Centrifugeuse de Projets d'Entreprise :
- at Télécom ParisTech
- hosted by Télécom ParisTech Alumni

CLENAM, XMP, Telecom ParisTech, Paris Région Entreprises , Centre Francilien de l'Innovation, Association Grandes Ecoles Entrepreneurs, ESSEC Ventures, ESSEC Alumni Entrepreneurs, Luminances, partners of the Centrifuge invite you to :

Thursday, December 10, 2015 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm (please arrive on time - doors open at 6pm).
Organizers :Télécom ParisTech Alumni
Location: Télécom ParisTech, Paris 14th arrondissement

If you're an entrepreneur, sign up - your project could be transformed.

Since 2005, nearly 800 centrifugees and participants have benefited from the Centrifuge: take advantage of it to speed up your company's development! Here are a few testimonials:

Sessions have already been organized by INNOV77, Seine et Marne Développement, CCI Seine et Marne, BPIFrance, INPI, Incubateur DESCARTES, CAP'TRONIC, Centre Francilien de l'Innovation. And all current partners (CLENAM, Telecom ParisTech, Paris Région Entreprises, Association Grandes Ecoles Entrepreneurs, ESSEC Ventures, ESSEC Alumni Entrepreneurs, Luminances).

You can register as a "Centrifugate" or a "Participant":
- Centrifugé: This involves presenting your offer in a way that will help you make progress, in front of a dozen or so listeners. This method is ideal for :
o Answer your question of the moment (but is it really the most relevant at the stage of development of your business?)
o Validate your overall project
o Validate your strategy
o Test your commercial offer
o Validate your business model
o Refine your presentation
o Reveal inconsistencies in your project
o Identify areas of perceived risk
o Reveal hidden risks
o Etc.
o finally ... reassure you about the merits of your offer (existing or future)
A preparatory meeting and a debriefing meeting will frame your presentation.
- Participant, potential centrifuge or not: This is an opportunity for you to learn about the strengths and pitfalls of each centrifuge, in a friendly atmosphere.
o What's more, you'll be able to expand your network of contacts.
Places are deliberately limited to 15 participants.

Register now:

To automatically receive future invitations as soon as registration opens:

Website: http: //

Thursday 10 December 2015
18:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech
37-39 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS

Télécom ParisTech

37-39 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS
Thursday 10 December 2015
18:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech
37-39 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS
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