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Big Data in Healthcare - From technology to therapy and trust

3rd conference in the Télécom ParisTalks cycle
co-organized by Télécom ParisTech alumni and Télécom Evolution
This conference is a continuation of the thematic meetings organized by the Télécom ParisTech alumni Health group. Themes already covered include: connected objects, digital security in healthcare, medical imaging and gamification. Find out more on the Health Group website.

Digital technologies have been revolutionizing modern society for several years now. Regulated professions have resisted this evolution more than others. But when these professions come to a standstill, new technologies make it possible to invent new business models with the active participation of the people who reshuffle the deck. This is what some people call Uberization, which has already been applied to cabs and tourism.

Are healthcare systems in developed countries safe from this phenomenon?

This latest edition of Entretiens du Numérique Télécom ParisTalks will take stock of the impact of Big Data in the healthcare sector. A panel of academics and representatives from the corporate and medical worlds will present recent technological developments and concrete examples of applications.

They will then look at short- and medium-term prospects. Will Big Data be primarily an aid to diagnosis, as medical imaging has been for several decades? Will it introduce predictive medicine, as we're beginning to see with genomics? What impact will it have on the production of new drugs? What role will it play in therapeutic processes? In short, will Big Data prove Leroy Hood right, when in the early 2000s he heralded the 4Ps of medicine: Preventive, Predictive, Personalized and Participatory?

Finally, they will address the indispensable human element: the patient's trust, so that he or she agrees to share data and apply treatments resulting from a mathematical algorithm.

During the evening, presentations and a round-table discussion will provide an opportunity to exchange views on the subject.
Conference moderator Alain Tassy (1982)
co-chairman of the Télécom ParisTech Alumni Health Group
IBM Watson Georges Uzbelger, Advanced Analytics & Cognitive Solutions Leader
New cognitive technologies, artificial intelligence and Watson in healthcare.
Intel Valère Dussaux, Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences Sector, Western Europe
The contribution of Big Data to personalized medicine: concrete examples of implementation.
Orange Healthcare Isabelle Hilali, Vice President, Strategy and Marketing
Benefits expected from the use of healthcare data : the role of the trusted third party in the various stages of secure collection, transmission, aggregation, hosting and restitution of healthcare data.
IPSEN Raphaël Pousset-Bougère, Big Data and Analytics Director
Skills for Big Data in healthcare : case studies and methodology.
Round Table
ICM Michel Le Van Quyen, Research Director
Mountain Medicine Research Institute Dr Pascal Zellner, Founder
Betterise Health Tech
Digital therapy solutions
Paul-Louis Belletante, President
Open Health Company Jean-Yves Robin, Managing Director
Lawyer Pierre Desmarais, Lawyer - Data Protection Correspondent

Discussions will continue during the cocktail reception following the conference.

Access is free and the conference is open to all. Pleasefeel free to circulate the invitation.
Registration (online) is imperative to gain access to the conference room, and identification will be required under the vigipirate plan.
Thursday 16 June 2016
19:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Télécom ParisTech

46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Thursday 16 June 2016
19:00 - 21:30
Télécom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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