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Internet of Things (IoT): promise and reality (1) : Applications and Services

Organised by "Networks & Services"

The forecasts made a few years ago by the major consulting firms on the IoT market have not been confirmed, with a delay of two to three years in their realization. There may be many reasons for this, but we have nevertheless seen a real take-off in applications, supported by the deployment of LPWA and then cellular networks, not to mention 5G, touted as the technology of the future for IoT, and satellite systems. The effective availability of these network technologies should facilitate the emergence of new uses, new applications, with an economic equation to ensure their viability.

We're offering two interactive webinars scheduled one month apart, the first on applications, the second on network technologies.

Applications and Services


  • Update our understanding of the IoT market
  • Give examples of applications that have already been implemented
  • Provide an outlook on the applications that will emerge in the coming months/years.

Webinar schedule: we've invited speakers from the fields of market analysis, applications, integrators and start-ups.

  • Industrial IoT applications market: Basile Verhulst (Founder of GSC)
  • Connected urban cabinets: Karen Denniel (Innovation Manager, GROLLEAU)
  • Supervision of construction machinery: François Jacob (co-founder, HIBOO)
  • IoT for agriculture: Guillaume Soulères (IoT Director, ARTERIA)

The presentations will be followed by a round-table discussion during which the speakers will answer questions arising from the presentations.

Participation in this webinar is free and open to all, but registration is required.
The login link will be sent to registrants on the day of the webinar.

You can register for the webinar "Internet of Things (IoT): promise and reality (2) : Networks and Technologies" on June 3.

More information

Webinar: https: //

Tuesday 4 May 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)

  • Free Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed

Tuesday 4 May 2021
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)

  • Free Graduate members
    Non-member graduates

Registration closed
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