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Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Without waiting for the release of the Villani report on artificial intelligence (AI), which should define a roadmap, Bruno Le Maire declared on November 14 at the Maison de la Chimie that he wanted to make France a leader in AI. And Cédric Villani reminds us that "The #IA mission brings together different sectors. They all have their own issues to deal with".

In healthcare, it seems accepted that AI will play a role in aiding medical diagnosis, but its impact on prescribing and therapy does not yet seem established. AI could become indispensable in prevention, treatment of rare diseases and/or radiotherapy.

The 7th theme day of the Télécom Paristech Santé club, to be heldon November 29, 2017 at 7:00 pm, 46 rue Barrault, Paris 13, will focus on:

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.

After evoking the contributions of AI in oncology, anesthesia resuscitation and medical imaging, we will reflect on its uses and its necessary appropriation by both patients and the medical profession.


Odile PEIXOTO BVA Santé, Director

"AI in healthcare: French perceptions and societal trends".

Jean-Emmanuel BIBAULT, Radiotherapy Department, Georges Pompidou European Hospital.

"Artificial Intelligence applied to oncology: from prediction to diagnosis".

Antoine JOMIER, GE Healthcare Imagerie France, Director

"AI in Medical Imaging...myths, realities & opportunities".

Pr Alexandre MIGNON MD PhD MBA, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care

Hôpital Cochin et Necker - Sorbonne Paris Cîté University

"AI in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, what are the prospects?

Philippe DENORMANDIE, MNH GROUP, Director of Healthcare Relations, COMEX member

"The obstacles to AI developments in healthcare in France."

Access is free and the conference is open to all. Please feel free to circulate the invitation.
Registration (online) is imperative to gain access to the conference room, and ID will be required at the entrance as part of the vigipirate plan.

Wednesday 29 November 2017
19:00 - 21:00
Telecom Paristech
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Telecom Paristech

46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Wednesday 29 November 2017
19:00 - 21:00
Telecom Paristech
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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