Events calendar
Mines Ponts Télécoms Finances Club Conference
Greece, economic policy and democracy
in Europe: reflections from a witness.
With James Kenneth Galbraith American economist,
Advisor to the Greek Ministry of Finance,
spring 2015
Our guest will share with us his reflections and his view of Europe (the Eurozone, economic policy and democracy) from an outsider's perspective, after the various crises that have shaken it, including that of Greece.
A graduate of Harvard and Yale Universities, James K. Galbraith, like his father John Kenneth Galbraith, the famous economist of the thirtieth century, has become an internationally renowned figure of heterodox economics in the United States. Professor of Public Affairs and Government at the University of Texas at Austin, he is President of the international association Economists for Peace and Security (
Our speaker has published and written numerous books, the latest of which
"La grande crise. Comment en sortir autrement".
President, Club Mines Finance
Information and registration
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 6:30pm (welcome from 6pm)
at MINES ParisTech ( 60, bd Saint Michel - 75006 Paris )
A cocktail will be served at the end of the conference
- for members of their respective Associations: 20 €
- outsiders: 35 €
Please register as soon as possible, preferably online on the Intertermines website (, or by returning the reply form below, together with payment, before October 12, 2015.
Website: http: //
See all events
Tuesday 13 October 2015
- 23:55
Mines ParisTech
60 Boulevard Saint Michel
Mines ParisTech
60 Boulevard Saint Michel 75005 PARIS
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