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AI & Finance : BigData for intelligent finance

Panel discussion:

JB Mateu, Director of Mobile Banking France and Europe at Orange

Zak Laguel, cofounder, intelligent savings service

Eric Horesnyi, CEO, data consumption and distribution service


Each of the speakers will present the current or future use of artificial intelligence in their banking or capital markets activities (Orange Bank, Welearn,, describing its contributions for end customers as well as for the companies providing these services: wealth management, online banking, fraud detection, sentiment analysis....The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and a cocktail reception.

Thursday 21 September 2017
18:00 - 21:00
Telecom Paristech - Room B310
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Telecom Paristech - Room B310

46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Thursday 21 September 2017
18:00 - 21:00
Telecom Paristech - Room B310
46, Rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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