The Energy Group's mission is to promote exchanges between the various players in the energy sector: manufacturers, energy operators (producers, suppliers, network managers, consumption modulation operators, etc.), administrations and national and international organizations.
It should enable all players to get to know each other better, and to better understand each other's constraints and expectations, for better management of the sector's professional activities as a whole. Energy Group in the broadest sense of the term, this group will include not only electricity, but also other sectors such as oil, gas, heat, etc. Depending on the issues to be addressed, this group may also include players from other sectors (information and communication technology, construction and public works, mobility, etc.) involved in energy issues. This group will meet regularly (frequency to be defined during its first meeting), and organize conferences led by representatives of the various players in the sector in France and Europe on themes such as energy policies in France, other European countries and at European level, industrial policies, new technologies, new services, new uses, new players. Visits to sites characteristic of the sector may also be scheduled, as well as debates with representatives of the sector (in the form of breakfast debates, lunch debates, dinner debates or cocktail debates). There are also plans to bring together alumni from other Télécom schools, representatives of the Mines-Télécom, and to organize joint events with the energy groups of other grandes écoles (Centrale - SupElec, Mines ParisTech, Arts & Métiers, etc.).).