Organizers / Managers


Dear Telecom Paris PhD students / Doctors, You are cordially invited to join the Telecom Paris alumni Doctors group. The aim of this group is to bring you together around different topics that may be of interest to you. These topics can vary from: 1. The exchange of information concerning Research and Development in the fields of Computing & Networks, Signal & Image Processing, and Communications & Electronics. This includes: a. Scientific days, seminars, CFP conferences, etc. b. Announcements of : Post Doc, Vacation, Thesis, Maitre de Conférences, CDD, CDI, etc. 2- The organization of: a. Special meetings with international organizations or associations. b. Meetings with companies to bring you closer to potential employers (operators, research laboratories, consulting firms, etc.). Jacques DEMERJIAN President, Docteurs Group

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162 results
162 results

Mastère Spécialisé, 2009
Ingénieur, 1986
Responsable du pôle "culture, patrimoine et numérique", CAISSE DES DEPOTS
PARIS, France
Ingénieur, 2024 (étudiant-e)
Docteur, 2006
Docteur, 2007
Chargée d'études, TELECOM PARIS
Docteur, 2006
Wireless Communication Engineer., NOKIA
NOZAY, France
Ingénieur, 2019
Docteur, 2014 (étudiant-e)

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