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Telecom Paris Sophia Incubator Breakfast<br />Biometrics faces multiple challenges: technological, ethical and market.
- Entrance control, secure access to IT data, operator identification, traceability, management of paid services: new biometric technologies can help meet these challenges - These opportunities and new developments must not, however, cause manufacturers and users to forget about ethical imperatives The discussions will be moderated by Jean-Luc Berrebi, Deloitte partner, in the presence of :
- Jean-Luc Dugelay, professor at Eurecom, expert in facial biometrics; - Mathias Moulin, legal expert, CNIL project manager; - Laurent Sannier from Easydentic, specialist in biometric access control; - Testimonial from a company that has installed biometric applications (to be confirmed) Starting at 8:30 am.
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Tuesday 19 June 2007
- 11:00
CICA - Edison amphitheatre
2229 route des Crêtes
Sophia Antipolis
CICA - Edison amphitheatre
2229 route des Crêtes Sophia Antipolis