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Organised by "Energy"


The Énergie TPA group presents the Conference organized by the Centrale-Energies professional group with Claude Sutren in person; The conference will be hosted by Le Village by CA.

State of play :

First of all, we'll look at the global consumption of available energies, the majority of which are of fossil origin. These energies emit, among other things, CO2, the main "greenhouse gas" responsible for constantly rising temperatures and extreme climatic phenomena.

What does the future hold?

Future energy needs are set to increase... not least because of population growth and the associated need for housing, food, clothing and mobility. The increase in primary energy requirements is estimated, according to certain scenarios, at between +15% and +40%.

So what's to be done?

Reinforcing an existing energy source, or promoting another, requires choosing between several criteria, including : The "surface efficiency", the different material requirements, the possibility (or not) of being able to "control" it, and the number of units required.and the number of "players" involved (emitters or consumers). For the IAE, "actions" are proposed in 4 areas (Energy, Industry, Transport, Buildings). We will examine these parameters to judge their relevance and feasibility, as well as other factors not covered by the IAE.


The aim of this conference is to give everyone an idea of the relevant parameters and possible solutions.

Claude Sutren, Ingénieur des Arts et Métiers 1966, is a former senior executive in the automotive industry, then coach and teacher in engineering schools. Claude doesn't belong to any of the various associations that campaign for this or that aspect of energy and climate issues. He presents and analyzes the most widely recognized facts.

He will also answer any questions you may have.

A summary of this talk is also available on our website

You can register by clicking here

When is the event? Tuesday June 13 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (welcome from 6:45 pm)

Where? The conference will be hosted by Le Village by CA,
55 rue de la Boëtie 75008 Paris ; Metro : Miromesnil

Mandatory participation: 10€ for Centraliens, free for students and 15€ for others. Payment on registration

After the conference, you are cordially invited to join us for a refreshment offered to all participants!

The TPA Energy Group office

Tuesday 13 June 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +1)
The village by CA
55 rue de la Boetie
75008 Paris

The village by CA

55 rue de la Boetie
75008 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

M° Miromesnil

Tuesday 13 June 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (GMT +1)
The village by CA
55 rue de la Boetie
75008 Paris
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