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[Relevant management: companies, apes and robots

Organised by "PACA"

A series of evening conferences organized by the CESI Campus in Aix-en-Provence, [im]pertinents and thecamp

The evening will be hosted by paleoanthropologist Pascal Picq.

In recent years, companies have been faced with a number of changes: ongoing technological revolutions, new aspirations from the younger generations, speed and agility becoming more important than size and power, disruptive innovation, globalization, telecommuting, the shift from ownership to use and more.telecommuting, the shift from ownership to use, and most importantly, workplaces are beginning to move into the metaverse.
How, from prehistoric times to the future, from flint to smartphones, do the same adaptive mechanisms ensure that Man survives only through his companies? In this talk, Pascal Picq takes a close look at the origins of the human lineage and its current evolution, demonstrating that there's no need to panic, because evolution is adaptive.

In evolution, as in management, there are two major types of social organization: macaques and chimpanzees. So, macaque or chimpanzee? A question of management!

Monday 27 June 2022
19:00 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
550 Rue Denis Papin
13290 Aix-en-Provence
Picq Pascal

Pascal Picq is a paleoanthropologist interested in the origins of the human lineage and its current evolution. After a career at Duke University and the Collège de France, his current work focuses on the processes of innovation and management of social groups around the concept ofAnthroprise.
In the decade between Un Paléoanthropologue dans l'Entreprise (Eyrolles 2011) and Les Chimpanzés et le Télétravail (Eyrolles 2021), the entrepreneurial world has changed as never before, and on a global scale.
In Qui va prendre le Pouvoir? Les grands Singes, les Hommes politiques ou les Robots (Odile Jacob 2017), Pascal Picq anticipated the changes in governance imposed by the socio-economic and anthropological upheavals of the digital age. How will businesses and societies evolve in the 2020s?How will businesses and societies evolve in the decade to come, when no one appreciated the impact of smartphones on the economy just ten years ago, or the explosion of artificial intelligence, or the sudden emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic? His latest work looks at the origins and evolution of sexual coercion of women and its economic consequences, as well as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on corporate adaptation, with an anthropological look at new forms of work, including remote working.



550 Rue Denis Papin
13290 Aix-en-Provence
Monday 27 June 2022
19:00 - 20:30 (GMT +2)
550 Rue Denis Papin
13290 Aix-en-Provence
    Jean-Yves Grisi (1985)
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