Electric mobility and renewable energies:
intertwined destinies for a sustainable future
Thegrowing electrification of the road transport sector in France, marked by the planned cessation of sales of combustion-powered light vehicles by 2035, has led to a significant increase in the number of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the road.The number of electric vehicles is expected to reach 8.5 million by 2030, with the prospect of 40% of the light vehicle fleet consisting of electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles by 2035. At the same time, the deployment of recharging infrastructures is accelerating, with a target of between 330,000 and 480,000 public recharging points by 2030. In terms of renewable energies, France's photovoltaic capacity reached 19 GW by the end of 2023, with an ambitious forecast of 65 to 90 GW by 2035. Onshore wind power exceeded 20 GW, and offshore wind power is targeting 18 GW by 2035.
The growth of the electric vehicle and renewable energy markets is supported by a European, national and regional legal framework. A 2021 study by Avere-France, Enerplan and Wavestone examined the synergies between photovoltaic energy and electric mobility, concluding that coupling was at an experimental stage but was attracting growing interest. In 2023, the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables (SER) joined Avere-France, Enerplan and Wavestone for a new study, the aim of which is to update the state of play, based on interviews with key players in the sectors concerned, and to propose ideas for developing this coupling to public authorities.
The round table organized with our three speakers, under the aegis of the Centrale Energies professional group, will be an opportunity to present the results of this study, which concludes that the decarbonization of transport and the development of renewable energies are destined to intersect. RE/ERV coupling represents a promising technology that could develop exponentially if the right conditions are met. However, regulatory and commercial issues, as well as profitability, still need to be resolved to make physical coupling a common reality. The individual residential sector has been identified as fertile ground, with potential advantages such as maximized self-consumption and innovations like Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) or stationary storage.
The speakers will be:
Clément Le Roy, a graduate of École Centrale de Nantes and ESSEC, is a Partner at Wavestone, in charge of the Energy & Environment practice. He is a member of the Institut Montaigne and is active in a number of professional associations, including Avere France, Think Smartgrids and GIFEN.
Bassem Haidar, a graduate of École Centrale-Supelec and holder of a PhD in complex systems engineering from Université Paris Saclay, is in charge of studies and forecasting at Avere-France, the French association for the development of electric mobility, where he manages studies on the electric mobility market in France...
Timothée Schmutz, whoholds a double degree from CentraleSupelec and ESSEC, has joined the Idex energy services group, where he is now in charge of key accounts. He is also involved in associations linked to the energy transition, for example with the Fresque du Climat.
Our speakers will also answer any questions you may have.
When? Wednesday, June 26, 2024 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where? The webinar will take place on ZOOM. After registering, you will receive a link to log in.
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