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Conference-debate: "Evolutions of the SIM card


Tuesday May 16, 2017, 7pm-9:30pm
46 Rue Barrault, 75013 PARIS
Room B 310

The SIM card, a major element in the mobile telecommunications ecosystem, has accompanied the considerable development of this sector over the last 25 years. Of course, the SIM card has evolved in terms of functionality and progressive miniaturization. But the business model and the role of the players have generally remained the same.
This field is about to undergo a major evolution with the emergence of a new e-SIM (embedded SIM) standard, where the SIM card is soldered directly into the terminal, while remaining programmable.

Initially, there was an Apple initiative, which installed a proprietary solution on iPads (since the iPad Air 2), supported by a limited number of operators worldwide.

Then the subject was taken up by standards bodies (the GSM Association) with a first version of a standard at the end of 2015, then a second in 2016, for which developments are now underway.

The emergence of this new standard will profoundly change the role of the players involved.
The new e-SIM card will be directly supplied and soldered to the terminal by the terminal manufacturer, while remaining equipped with its security software, supplied as at present by specialized players such as Gemalto or Obertur.
Then, the operator will remotely program the e-SIM card, at the time of activation of a new contract. This will enable operators to set up a digitized customer pathway, for example when subscribing to a SIM-only contract.

Alongside the eISIM standard for consumer mobiles, an eISIM standard has also been developed for IoT (Internet of Things) applications on networks requiring a SIM card (2G/3G/4G/NB IOT, LTE 4M).

Telecom Paristech Alumni's Networks and Services Group has invited several experts in the field to present this new standard and examine its impact on the role of the players involved:

- Christine LEMOINE, e-SIM Product Manager at Orange, will review the principles of the SIM card and its past developments, then present the new e-SIM standard, with an analysis of the foreseeable impact on players' business models.

- David BUHAN, Senior VP Mobile and IOT Services at Gemalto, will give aSIM card specialist's point of view,

- Cyril CARBONATI, Telecom Program Director at Microsoft France, will give the point of view ofan Operating System publisher and terminal manufacturer ,

- Philippe LUCAS, SVP Strategy, Architecture and Standardization at Orange, willgive an incumbent's point of view.

- Benoît TOURNIER, Marketing Director Device to Cloud, Sierra Wireless, will talk about the benefits of new SIM and Module technologies for the Internet of Things.

These presentations will be followed by a round-table discussion with the speakers, with debate and a question-and-answer session. Also taking part:
?- Sophie DIALLO, Services Architect, SIM expert at Bouygues Telecom
?- and Romain DURAND,
incharge of Innovation at Transatel, solution provider for MVNOs and IoT players.

Attendance is free, but registration is required to gain access to the conference room.

The conference is open to all, so don't hesitate to share the invitation.

Tuesday 16 May 2017
19:00 - 21:30
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault,
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Telecom ParisTech

46 rue Barrault,
75013 PARIS
Tuesday 16 May 2017
19:00 - 21:30
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault,
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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