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Photo club<br />Still life

For this winter session, we've chosen to work preferably indoors, and to focus on the photography of objects, since advertising is probably the biggest user of still-life photography today. We'll be looking at different ways of illuminating objects to highlight them, show them off or, on the contrary, make them seem mysterious or even strange. Session participants are invited to bring one or more objects they'd like to work on. Even the most trivial object can be taken as the subject of a plastic research.Login to access the registration form.

Saturday 15 December 2012
14:00 - 17:00
room F 502
49 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris
  • Free

Registration closed

room F 502

49 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris
Saturday 15 December 2012
14:00 - 17:00
room F 502
49 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris
  • Free

Registration closed
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