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Club Mines-Ponts-Télécom Finance<br />High-yield bonds: Rotten securities or a worthy investment?
High-yield bonds are often surrounded by negative connotations and even sulphurous images, particularly in the media. Yet many financial professionals agree that they represent attractive investment opportunities: high yield expectations, significantly lower volatility than equity markets, an effective portfolio diversification tool, behaviours uncorrelated with those of government bonds, etc. But aren't the risks incurred excessive? How can they be assessed? Bruno de PAMPELONNE, Chairman and Founder of TIKEHAU Investment Management, an asset management company specializing in the management of corporate bond portfolios Julien REROLLE, Chairman and Founder of SPREAD RESEARCH, a credit analysis company working on behalf of investors, whose investigations and recommendations focus exclusively on "speculative" signatures.
A cocktail will be served at the end of the conference. For members of their respective Associations: €20; for non members or accompanying persons: €35.Please register as soon as possible, preferably online on the Intermines website, or by returning the reply form below, together with payment, before January 16, 2012.
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Thursday 19 January 2012
- 20:30
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel 75006 PARIS
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