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Strength in numbers

27 May 2024 The Careers Office

These groups provide a forum for exchange, mutual support and training in networking techniques for alumni wishing to progress professionally.

Weekly meetings enable alumni to activate the Union Fait la Force network (over 350 members) and to practice their networking skills in real-life situations and professional encounters.

Taking part in these groups means practicing for interviews, "3-minute" or "elevator pitch" presentations, discussing your project, companies, the market, etc.

The principle is that of a self-managed group, in which each participant takes it in turns to lead the session.

Group in Paris

Meetings are held weekly, on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, at Ecole des Mines ParisTech, with a mix of members who are actively looking for a job and those who have found one and come to share.
There are between 6 and 8 participants on average, sometimes more depending on the subject of the session.

Lyon group

In Lyon, this group has been set up by local alumni associations from Mines, Centrale Paris and Lyon, Arts-et-Métiers, INSA de Lyon, INSEAD, Agro, les Ponts and other engineering schools.other major engineering schools, to offer workshops and events on the themes of employment and careers.

It recently opened up to Telecom alumni as part of our partnership with Inter-Mines.

Participation in this group implies a year-long commitment, with attendance at 14 sessions taking place from 6pm to 8pm on INSA premises in Villeurbanne.

Practical details:

Participation in these groups is reserved for our subscribers.

These groups were created by InterMines.

If you would like to join one of these 2 groups, please contact us:

We'll put you in touch with an InterMines correspondent who can answer your questions and confirm your participation.

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