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Télécom Finance and Mines Ponts télécoms Finance<br />The stock market: a solution to the financing challenges facing French SMEs, ETIs and Start-ups

The Club Mines Finance, in association with Ponts et Télécoms Finance, invites you to its next conference on the theme:The stock market: a solution to the financing challenges of French SMEs, ETIs and Start-ups French business leaders are often reluctant to use the stock markets to finance their development: costs considered too high, constraints and communication costs to investors, transparency obligations, time and energy devoted, etc... However, for some time now, SMEs seem to be increasingly interested in this traditional, simple and historically proven, sometimes controversial, source of risk financing. ... However, for some time now, SMEs have been showing increasing interest in this traditional, simple and historically proven, if sometimes controversial, source of risk financing (1). We asked our colleague Eric FOREST, CEO of EnterNext, the Euronext subsidiary in charge of promoting and supporting SMEs and ETIs on the financial markets, to share his expertise with us and shed light on these issues, which will feed into our debates and reflections on this subject. With extensive experience of Equity Capital Markets operations acquired at Société Générale from 1992 to 2003, then as a Partner at ODDO Corporate Finance, Eric FOREST has chaired EnterNext since 2013, continuing his commitment to SMEs and ETIs. (1) In 2014, SMEs and ETIs in France raised €3.8 billion on the stock markets, compared with €2.9 billion in 2013, an increase of 30%.
The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception. For subscribers the fee is €20 otherwise €35. Register online by clicking here or by faxing the form below.

Speakers :
Chairman and CEO, EnterNext
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS

Mines ParisTech

60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
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