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[Sciences ParisTech au Féminin] Artificial intelligence, prospects in the healthcare sector

The speakers

Florence Moreau and Chloé-Agathe Azencott

specialists in the use of AI in healthcare

will share their experiences and give us their views on the future
the future and challenges of this vast and promising field.

Florence Moreau is co-founder and CTO of Incepto Médical, a start-up specializing in artificial intelligence for radiology. A graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris and ENS Cachan, Florence has 17 years' experience in medical device software development. Starting her career at GE Healthcare in the development of algorithms and image processing for diagnostic assistance, she then moved on to management positions and software direction for medical imaging applications. She joined Echosens, focused on non-invasive liver diagnostics, to digitalize and diversify its products. She then embarked on her entrepreneurial career, founding Incepto in association with Antoine Jomier, who brings his business experience, and Gaspard d'Assignies, who brings his experience as a radiologist.

Chloé-Agathe Azencott is a computer scientist from IMT-Atlantique, specializing in the development of machine learning algorithms for genomic data analysis. A researcher at MINES ParisTech, she works in particular on cancer, in collaboration with the Institut Curie. She teaches machine learning at Mines, CentraleSupelec and OpenClassrooms. She is a board member of France is AI. Committed to the issue of diversity and the representation of women in science, she is co-founder of the Paris branch of Women in Machine Learning and Data Science.

A participation fee of 20 euros per person is required. Student rate: 10 euros.

Sciences ParisTech au Féminin

You're wondering how to manage a professional life as a woman! Would you like to meet other women engineers? Join Sciences ParisTech au Féminin!

Led by a group of alumnae from Polytechnique, Mines, Ponts, Télécom, Arts et Métiers, ENSAE and ENSTA, its aims are to create a friendly network, help women graduates of our schools to progress in professional life, promote women's professional experiences and seek to attract young girls to the sciences.

Find the group dedicated to Sciences ParisTech au Féminin on LinkedIn

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Wednesday 5 December 2018
19:00 - 21:30
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière
75116 PARIS

Bridge House

42 rue Boissière
75116 PARIS
Wednesday 5 December 2018
19:00 - 21:30
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière
75116 PARIS
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