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Instant messaging: technology and society

From Donald Trump to Deliveroo, from cyberstalking issues to telecommuting, instant messaging has today taken on crucial importance in politics, corporate business models and, more generally, our personal lives.

It is therefore important to reflect on the consequences and challenges of these recent technologies, in order to build a framework of analysis that will enable us to better decipher the ways in which they affect us personally.

To this end, we are proposing two talks, one focusing on philosophy/sociology, exploring the changes in our relationship to ourselves, to others and to space-time implied by instant messaging. The second will focus on the concepts, technologies, challenges and underlying business models that enable their deployment and use in everyday life.

The speakers:

Cléo Collomb has a doctorate in philosophy and information and communication sciences. She is currently a lecturer at Paris-Saclay University. She is developing technological research aimed at designing tools for observing social dynamics on the clear, deep and dark web.

Jeremy Wietrzykowski is Cloud Customer Engineer at Google. He supports French start-ups and scale-ups in the use and implementation of various technologies, notably real-time, via the Google Cloud platform.

Webinar: https: //

Monday 7 June 2021
18:30 - 20:00

  • Free

Registration closed

Monday 7 June 2021
18:30 - 20:00

  • Free

Registration closed
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