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Groupe Télécom Finance<br />Web and mobility technologies at the service of banking and insurance innovation
Web and mobility technologies at the service of banking and insurance innovation On the program for this day on web and mobility technologies at the service of banking and insurance innovation, the participation of professionals in the field/renowned speakers and the presentation of numerous demos and innovative applications. A new edition of the Rencontres Inria - Industrie will be held on April 3, 2012, on the theme of "Web technologies and mobility at the service of banking and insurance innovation". The event is organized in partnership with the Finance Innovation, TES, Picom, Oséo and W3C France competitiveness clusters. This edition of the "Rencontres Inria-Industrie", aimed at players in the financial world - bankers, insurers and software publishers - is devoted to the issue of developing web and mobility technologies to serve innovation in banking and insurance. How to improve customer relations, propose new user interfaces, innovate in electronic payment, process large volumes of data, offer scalable internal and external services thanks to an open and flexible information system: these are the issues that will be addressed during this day.
The day will provide an opportunity to meet numerous professionals in the field, to exchange ideas and to develop new collaborative projects and technology transfers. Some fifteen demonstrations of innovative technologies and applications, brought together in a showroom, will be presented by Inria research teams and their technological partners: Inria start-ups, SMEs and major groups. Inria Industrie meetings have been held since 1994: this national event provides a forum for industrialists and researchers to exchange ideas, with the aim of shortening technology transfer times. Since 2009, Inria has been working more closely with regional competitiveness clusters, drawing on its eight research centers located throughout France. More info by clicking here
Speakers :
Georges Pauget
President, Finance Innovation
Fabrice Bazard
Executive Vice-President, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, in charge of Arkéa Services
Speakers :
Georges Pauget
President, Finance Innovation
Fabrice Bazard
Executive Vice-President, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, in charge of Arkéa Services
See all events
Tuesday 3 April 2012
- 19:00
Paris Victoire Conference Center
52, rue de la Victoire
Paris Victoire Conference Center
52, rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris
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