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Network &amp; Services Group<br />NFV/SDN: a revolution or a huge migration?

Thematic evening organized by the "Networks and Services" group of Telecom ParisTech alumni
Founded on the opportunity of the evolution of IT standards implemented in telecom networks, the ETSI NFV (Network Functions Virtualisation) group was created in January 2013 and now has around 200 members, both vendors (170) and operators (30).
Operators expect the work of ETSI (and also IETF and ONF) to result in reduced CAPEX and OPEX, accelerated time-to-market for new services, greater infrastructure flexibility and more openness to the markets of software players and virtualized servers.
The star of the latest World Mobile Congress 2014, where is NFV going? according to what timetable? Is it a revolution or a very large-scale migration of network infrastructures? What impact will it have on vendors and operators? Why is SDN (Software-defined Netwoking) so often associated with NFV?
Evening program :
  • Introduction: Jack Cavelier (1974) Télécom ParisTech alumni
  • NFV: Overview, standardization and industry landscape: Bruno Chatras, Chairman of ETSI NTECH, Orange lead representative to ETSI NFV
  • DPDK software engines for the telecom grade NFV: Vincent Jardin (2001), CTO 6wind
  • NFV, opportunities for operators and associated transformation challenges: Noël Foret (1991), Director, Network Core, Orange Group
  • NFV-SDN architecture, use cases and customer POCs : Marie-Paule Odini, CTO, HP Telecom Business, Vice Chairman ETSI NFV SWA
  • SDN / NFV for Carriers and Use Cases: Uğur Çağlar Kilic, European SDN Technology and Marketing NEC
  • Opportunities and challenges of carrier infrastructure virtualization. First experiences: Eric Hamel, Solutions Architect, Global Service Providers CISCO
Round-table discussion with speakers moderated by Jack Cavelier. Please register to gain access to the conference room!

Thursday 5 June 2014
19:00 - 21:00
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310

46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Thursday 5 June 2014
19:00 - 21:00
Télécom ParisTech - Amphi B310
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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