Events calendar
Groupe Entrepreneurs with the ESSEC Entreprenariat club<br />Succeeding as a consultant
We have brought together four speakers to address this theme and tackle the questions around :
- What are the key stages?
- How do you get organized from scratch?
- Are there key success factors for starting up or taking over a business?
- How do you market your offer?
- What are the specifics of being an independent consultant?
- Are there any subsidies to get started?
- Expert versus generalist with method?
And any other questions you may have (you can send them to )
The speakers are :
- Gonzague Hannebicque from Sad Marketing
- Cyril de Queral from Expertime
- Jean-François Lécole from Katalyse
- Pascal Raidron of Eight Advisory
The conference will be moderated by Brice Alzon.
The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception in the lounges of the Maison des ESSEC.
The Telecom Paris Tech alumni Entrepreneurs Club organizes numerous events (conferences, workshops, project centrifuge sessions, etc.) and two dinners a year.
See all events
Tuesday 2 October 2012
- 20:00
70 rue Cortambert
70 rue Cortambert 75116 PARIS