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Conference-debate organized by the Télécom ParisTech Alumni "Networks and Services" group<br />"Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

For several years now, we have been witnessing the rapid development of new infrastructures, known as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), optimized for the distribution of broadband content, especially video. These developments have been driven by new players, such as Akamai and Level 3, who have gradually built global networks and become major players in this market...
Traditional operators have had to decide whether to build their own infrastructures or purchase wholesale capacity from these new players, in order to obtain content for their access services.
Over time, a certain complementarity seems to be developing between the international and domestic components of these infrastructures. But this complementarity involves interconnections that are mainly based on Internet practices (peering). This is not without its difficulties, some of which regularly feature in the media... These difficulties are in line with the issues generally known as "Net Neutrality" (equal access to all content for all users, etc.)
These new shared infrastructures rely on specific equipment and raise questions of end-to-end service quality control and access times, with attempts at standardization between players in the field. CDNs support both consumer and enterprise applications, and of course have links with the new architectures of data centers and Cloud Computing, for content storage, with CDN players often also being Cloud players.
The Télécom ParisTech Alumni Networks and Services Group has invited several experts in the field, each according to their role in the value chain, to give their point of view on the issues raised by the rapid development of CDNs. Dominique DelisleofOrange, Alain Chkaiban of Level 3, Matthieu Bourgue of Smartjog (TDF Group), Jacques le Mancq of Broadpeak and Bruno Beaugrand of SFR Business Team have already agreed to take part in this conference/debate.Their presentations will be followed by a discussion session, with questions and answers from the floor. The event is free of charge, so don't hesitate to register!

Thursday 7 November 2013
19:00 - 21:00
Télécom ParisTech Amphi Rubis
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

Télécom ParisTech Amphi Rubis

46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
Thursday 7 November 2013
19:00 - 21:00
Télécom ParisTech Amphi Rubis
46 rue Barrault
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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