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Wine club<br />New wine club session on MARCH 7 with Bernard Burstchy

Dear apprentice oenologists During our last session on February 13 on the theme of miscellanea, we were able, thanks to Bernard, to taste red Touraines made from vitis vinifera, i.e. original grape varieties identical to those that existed in France before the appearance of phylloxera in 1864 in the Gard region. Vitis vinifera is the scientific name of the vine that alone among all the vine species of the Ampelidaceae botanical family, Ungrafted vines are extremely rare, and this tasting was a first for our club. Upcoming tasting sessions will continue with wines made from grafted vines (which are effectively resistant to phylloxera), with an American grapevine root system (porte-greffe) and an aerial grapevine system (vitis vinifera). While the winegrowers continue their winter work on the vines, in particular pruning, which varies according to the grape variety, we oenological apprentices will continue to explore the vinicultural riches of our terroirs under the guidance of our master Bernard Burstchy.So register as soon as possible, as the number of places is still limited to 40, and pay directly on the WEB by credit card. Bacchically vôtre Gérard Cambillau NB: We'd like to take a census of alumni who are wine producers, whether they are themselves winegrowers, or have a family member who is, as we'd like to create a TELECOMPARISTECH winegrowers' salon in September, so please don't hesitate to send us the contact details of these graduates or future graduates. Perhaps we could extend the show to include manufacturers of farm products such as jam, foie gras and oil, and call it the "salon des saveurs du terroir" ????? This show will enable alumni to taste and buy the various products made by graduates What do you think? Register as soon as possible, as the number of places is limited to 40.Registration will be validated on receipt of your payment by Internet or by cheque. All registrations not paid before March 7 will be cancelled.Payment online or by cheque made out to AIST to be returned to Télécom ParisTech alumni 46 rue Barrault 75634 PARIS CEDEX 13Fee: **for paying members 10 euros with the possibility of bringing a guest at the same rate of 10 euros **for other participants 25 euros with the possibility of bringing a guest at the same rate of 25 euros

Monday 13 February 2012
20:00 - 22:00
TELECOM ParisTech - Amphi Rubis
49 rue Vergniaud, à l'amphi Rubis
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed

TELECOM ParisTech - Amphi Rubis

49 rue Vergniaud, à l'amphi Rubis
75013 PARIS
Monday 13 February 2012
20:00 - 22:00
TELECOM ParisTech - Amphi Rubis
49 rue Vergniaud, à l'amphi Rubis
75013 PARIS
  • Free

Registration closed
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