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Club Oenologie <br />Les Rencontres Oenophiles

Like many other associations, our TPA members include fellow winegrowers who, through family tradition or passion, devote themselves to growing vines, harvesting grapes, making wine and also .... selling their produce. While the number of our colleagues with a known winegrowing activity is around a dozen (all telecoms included), the same cannot be said for the Polytechniciens, who number over 50. At a time when engineering schools are coming together, we thought it would be a good idea to bring PARISTECH winegrowers together by creating the first oenophile meeting, to be held on Sunday November 20 at the Maison des Polytechniciens. Not all the schools are represented, but the movement has been launched... and if the event is a success, I'm sure that next year other schools will join us... All these Engineers/Winegrowers and sometimes Winegrowers/Engineers will present their wines, let you taste them and if you like them... you can buy them. In parallel with these presentations, oenological conferences are organized, again at the Maison des Polytechniciens, but with compulsory registration and a participation fee of 11euros.Our Club Oenologique Télécom organizes a conference with tasting at 3:45pm on the theme: Cépages et Terroirs with, of course, our master Bernard Burtschy. This conference replaces our monthly meeting in November. Conferences (price 11 euros per person) :
  • 11:00 am to 12:30 pm: "Les Métiers du Vin", by Joël Quancard (X64, Télécom ParisTech69), wine merchant and winemaker.
  • 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm: "Wine-making - an international approach", by Danièle Gérault, Oenologist, Member of the Compagnie des Courtiers Jurés-Experts Piqueurs de Vins de Paris
  • 3.45pm to 5.15pm: "Les Cépages et les Terroirs" by Bernard Burtschy, Professor of Statistics at Télécom ParisTech and Journalist at Le Figaro
  • 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm: "Wine Tasting" by Jean-Claude Simonnet, wine merchant and winemaker in Chablis, and Nicolas de la Courcelle, Sommelier Trainer.
Each lecture will end with a wine tasting.

If you would like to have lunch, please reserve a table by calling 01 49 54 74 74 (38 euros excluding drinks).

Online registration for conferences at

Sunday 20 November 2011
11:00 - 19:00
Maison des Polytechniciens - Hôtel de Poulpry
12 rue de poitiers
75007 PARIS

Maison des Polytechniciens - Hôtel de Poulpry

12 rue de poitiers
75007 PARIS
Sunday 20 November 2011
11:00 - 19:00
Maison des Polytechniciens - Hôtel de Poulpry
12 rue de poitiers
75007 PARIS
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