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Club Mines-Ponts-Télécom Finance<br />Rating agencies and sovereign debt

Since January 2009, there has been a series of downgrades of sovereign debt by rating agencies, both in the eurozone and in the USA. But what and for whom are the rating agencies really used? What criteria do they use to award their ratings? What real power do they wield over governments? Following recurrent criticism of the agencies, reforms are underway. Are they sufficient? These are just some of the questions our speakers will attempt to answer during the conference. A cocktail reception will be held at the end of the conference. For members of their respective Associations: €20; for non-members or accompanying persons: €35.Please register as soon as possible, preferably online on the Intermines website, otherwise by returning the reply form below, together with payment, before November 22, 2011.

Speakers :
Economist, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques Senior Lecturer, Sciences Po Paris
Member of the Académie des Sciences commerciales Member of the Association Nationale des Docteurs ès Sciences Economiques et en Sciences de Gestion (ANDESE)
Tuesday 29 November 2011
18:30 - 20:30
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS

Mines ParisTech

60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
Tuesday 29 November 2011
18:30 - 20:30
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
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