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Télécom ParisTech alumni Centrifuge<br />the Innovative Projects Centrifuge is coming!

The "Innovative Projects Centrifuge" arrives at Groupe Entrepreneurs Télécom ParisTech alumni
Thursday June 14, 2012 - 9am to 12:30pm
Take advantage of this opportunity and sign up to present your entrepreneurial project ... to go faster and see further in your development!
The Centrifugeuse de Projets d'Entrepreneurs was initiated six years ago by two expert business development consultants to help entrepreneurs develop their offerings faster.
The Centrifugeuses de Projets is a complementary tool to existing schemes and networks, favoring a collective approach over individual interests.
The "centrifuge" encourages cross-fertilization of viewpoints on a given issue, and enables participants to benefit from the vision of other entrepreneurs and experts. The aim of these sessions is to encourage rapid business development ... for more information and testimonials:
This program has already been adopted by the Centre Francilien de l'Innovation, Grande Ecoles Entrepreneurs, ESSEC Alumni Entrepreneurs, etc.
We invite you to take advantage of this experience and take part in a first session with the initiators of the concept.
This session will be open to Telecom ParisTech alumni and representatives of companies hosted by the Telecom ParisTech incubator.
You can register as :
- Presenter: You will present your project as a whole in front of a dozen listeners. It's an ideal way of validating a new product or service, for example, or preparing for a pitch to investors. A preparatory meeting and a debriefing meeting will frame your presentation. You will have to pay a participation fee of €65 (LUMINANCES and Télécom ParisTech alumnni pay €870 per presenter).
- "Participant": This is an opportunity to take on board the strengths and pitfalls of each of the speakers, as it works through a "mirror effect". What's more, you'll be able to expand your network of acquaintances. If you intend to present your offer at some point in the future, we advise you to attend a Project Centrifuge Session at least once: you'll benefit from it in your future presentation. You will have to pay a participation fee of 15 €.
The number of places is deliberately limited to 14 people (3 "presenters" and 11 "participants"). The sessions are sponsored by Télécom ParisTech alumni and LUMINANCES.
To register, click here
For more information
- for Presenters: Dany Allaoui (LUMINANCES)
- for Participants : Bernard Point
Further information and testimonials:
Partners: Télécom ParisTech welcomes us to its incubator premises

Thursday 14 June 2012
09:00 - 12:30
Télécom ParisTech Incubator - Room A
9 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS

Télécom ParisTech Incubator - Room A

9 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS
Thursday 14 June 2012
09:00 - 12:30
Télécom ParisTech Incubator - Room A
9 rue Dareau
75014 PARIS
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