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ACADI &amp; Le Club Mines-Ponts-Télécoms Finance<br />The banker and the philosopher

François Henrot will talk about his latest book: Le banquier et le philosophe François Henrot, who trained as a Conseiller d'Etat, has been a banker for 25 years, first with the Paribas group, where he was Chairman of Compagnie Bancaire, and then with the Rothschild group, where he is now Chairman of the investment bank. A cocktail reception will be held at the end of the conference. For members of their respective Associations : conference: free, cocktail €20 For non-members or accompanying persons : conference only: €15, conference + cocktail: €35 More info in the invitation downloadable below. Online registration click here

Tuesday 16 November 2010
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS

Mines ParisTech

60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
Tuesday 16 November 2010
Mines ParisTech
60 boulevard Saint Michel
75006 PARIS
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